Saturday, January 28, 2006

Wedding Crashers (2005)

Wedding Crashers is a romp, as expected, but a romp with a resolution. Colin Wilson and Vince Vaughn are a hoot as two energetic party animals and impressive schmoozers of kids, grandparents, and parents in their pursuit of willing young women to bed; they are also disciplined adherents to the Wedding Crashers code, which propounds more than 100 maxims and strictures (many which are cited in the DVD's special features). It's a letdown when they meet the code's revered founder, who turns out to be a smarmy asshole. They also both fall in love with the daughters of the Treasury Secretary, played engagingly by Christopher Walken. This movie shows more than two single men behaving with zeal and wild abandon; it shows how they willingly reconsider their ways and choose to pursue their hearts and do the right thing. The writing and production values are excellent, if some of the humor was (to me anyway) predictable. Four stars.


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