Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Over the Hedge (2006)

Because the promos overemphasize a hyperactive squirrel belching his ABCs and blowing twin jets of Cheez Whiz out his nostrils, I was not certain going into this movie that it would be above reproach. All I knew was that the animation was two levels above the dim cellar occupied by Hoodwinked (a confirmed stinker), I can generally trust Steve Carrell for comedy, and William Shatner was parodying his own acting style. The buzz was good too. Well, it was much better than expected -- in fact, I belly-laughed a fair bit, mostly at nuanced bits only adults would get. The satiric cuts at suburbia, especially the control-freak homeowners association president, were on the mark, and a slow-motion animated scene depicting the climactic confrontation between all parties was priceless. Steve Carrell's character Hammy (who makes Speedy Gonzalez look like a wastrel) was my favorite as the squirrel who needs no caffeine. Bruce Willis's character RJ the raccoon ably pulls together the entire ensemble, all who make fine contributions (esp. William Shatner and April Lavigne as father-and-daughter oppossums and the three videogame-savvy porcupine kids). It's unfair to call this production forumulaic, since characters do learn to act against type: They grow as individuals. The storyline flows smoothly from the first scene to a final aftercredits vignette, and anyone who calls this show mawkish or sentimental should grow as a person himself. Four stars.


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