Thursday, May 11, 2006

Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)

Think Porky's but with real, nude (and sensual if awkward) sex scenes. Think two vapid, vulgar adolescents who have but one thing on their mind, then add a jilted young wife who leaves her husband to go on an extended beach holiday with these two postpubescent morons. The scenery and slice-of-life vignettes about life in Mexico are authentic and poignant; scene-chewing obscenity and constant juvenile leering not so much. My favorite parts are when the threesome (with a family as newfound friends) settle down to an idyllic time on the water, and when in the aftermath we learn what happened to each character. (The story has a documentary-like narrator that seems pretentious and faux-artsy.) (Was that another fart joke?) Two stars.


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