Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bad Santa (2003)

Really, I do love every role Billy Bob Thornton has played. However, his role in Bad Santa is almost as greasy as in U Turn (good) but grittier than a hot dog full of sand (myeh!). Working hourly wages by day as a department-store Santa with his little-person partner-in-crime (Tony Cox) as a Santa's elf, Thornton cases a store's security the plans and executes an inside-job heist before moving on to the next target. (Sort of redefines "seasonal worker," doesn't it?) That wouldn't be enough to carry the story by itself, however, so we have Thornton as a thoroughly obnoxious and seedy guy -- often coming to work drunk, bitching at the kids, hitting on the moms, scratching his private parts, and being found banging fat ugly chicks in the dressing rooms while on extended breaks. He's so gross but manages to attract a fashion-plate-in-overalls girlfriend who has a thing for having sex with Santa. Bad Santa is train-wreck cinema, turning hallowed holiday traditions on their ear then farting in their face. Some will love the gross-out scenes, others should just stay away. You know who you are. 2 stars. (1-16-07 updated 4-5-09)


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