Friday, September 07, 2007

Jesus of Nazareth (1977)

This is the classic epic-length treatment of the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, with a stellar if predominantly European cast. First as a boy and then as a man, the piercing blue eyes of Jesus (Robert Powell in the adult role) have the desired prophetic effect, even if they have always creeped me out for being non-Semitic. Another creepy touch is the treatment of Christ as a chronically catatonic orator, pronouncing his teachings as if he were in a trance. It's a hard balance to achieve when depicting a divine man; at least The Passion of the Christ depicts him laughing and weeping. 4.5 stars.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though it has been a (really) long time since I saw this film, I remember, and agree with you heartily about, the "trance-like" depiction of Christ that you speak of. I have seen some more modern films that go too far the OTHER way - making Christ so jovial or "hip" that his divinity is lost. Those of your readers who are interested in a movie that shows a good balance between the divine and the human natures of Jesus would be advised to see "The Miracle Maker" (2000)
an amazingly good film. Sure it LOOKS like a kid's film and (aside from a few scenes) is suitable for say children 8 and above, but the humanity/divinity of Christ is so PERSONAL and REAL in this film that you can understand why people would be drawn to him personally but also sense that "there is something more here." The film is a real joy and inspirational in a very simple, direct and gentle way.

8:19 PM  

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