Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is one of AFI's Top 100 Films for a reason. Jimmy Stewart is in top form as Citizen Everyman and genuinely funny esp. during his filibuster. I love his scene on the phone with the D.C. debutante. Jean Arthur is excellent esp. in her drunk and "I quit" scenes. Yes, the film plays up Stewart's wide-eyed delight in Washington and his patriotism, but this was before we entered WWII. Besides, how many people from middle America got to see D.C. other than in the movies? Here is a morality play for every American to watch and to think about -- so that "government by the people and for the people may not perish from the earth." 4 stars.


Blogger Fitzysblogasylum said...

Great Review for a great movie.
Thanks for sharing

10:14 PM  

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