Monday, December 10, 2007

Ants in Arthur's Pants (2002)

TV. The Arthur series from PBS presents four episodes on this DVD: Ants in Arthur's Pants (Arthur's ant farm project tests his understanding of the scientific method the hard way), Don't Ask Muffy (Muffy writes an advice column and the episode spoofs Oprah and Dr. Phil), To Tibble the Truth (the Tibble twins learn telling the truth "works" better than lying), and Waiting to Go (Brain and Binky explore the nature of time as they wait for their after-soccer rides home). Arthur is a lighthearted show with real creativity and lessons for kids. In addition, every program and disc includes a segment from "us kids" where real children in real classrooms address a creative or scientific question and present their explorations and discoveries in their own words. This is a great program to showcase normal and healthy human interaction and maturity for children age 8 and younger. Netflix does not stock this title. 4.5 stars.


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