Friday, January 18, 2008

SquarePants: Atlantis SquarePantis (2007)

TV. Never have such high-quality production values (animation, color palette, music, storyline, audio, voice talent, quirkiness) been made to serve such mindless dopiness (dreck). It was on TV and my son loves the show so I had no choice. OK, I've seen it; don't sue me, esp. if I try to warn you from it. If you're a Spongebob fan, there's nothing I can say to dissuade you (short of a rolled-up newspaper). It is better than an average Spongebob episode and better than the movie (although it spares us The Goofy Goober song by throwing in a space aliens subplot). Let me put it this way: If you love Spongebob, it goes without saying you'll love this. It also goes without saying there's little medical science can do for your appreciation of what constitutes fine art. On the other hand, if you can stay away, just do so. You'll thank me. It's true they underused David Bowie and the music was no great shakes but at least there was no Goofy Goober song (which was great but goobery). 4 stars for Spongebobiness and 2 stars for intelligence required for a net 3 stars.


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