Monday, May 19, 2008

Hitch (2005)

I was interested in the "dating doctor" premise of this movie but ultimately Hitch left me less than satisfied. It was good but not great. Will Smith is always superb -- I'd say he's on my can-do-no-wrong actors list -- but the allergic-reaction scene and a few others just struck me as reaching too far (the script's fault not Will's). Sorry but except for the jetski kick, Will's interactions with Eva Mendes were ultimately forgettable, as were most of the scenes with Amber Valletta, who played the dishy celebrity who inexplicably falls for the schlubby Kevin James. The meat of the movie spins (like toasted lamb on a spindle) around Will's dating tutorials with Kevin esp. where the former nixes the latter's jiggy moves and chews him out for completing a practice kiss (never a comfortable sight for any straight male). In a word, Hitch was unbelievable. Its genuine laughs were balanced by as many or more cheesy or queasy moments. Enjoy it but you probably won't be back for a second viewing unless you're a big Crocodile Dundee fan. 3 stars.


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