Seven (1995)
In Seven, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt are two police detectives chasing a gruesome serial killer with a sociopathic chip on his shoulder of biblical proportions. Fresh from his masterpiece in The Usual Suspects, Kevin Spacey gives another stellar performance in Seven -- and it's all packed into the final 15 minutes, since we never see him until his final confrontation with his pursuers. (Until finally handcuffed, he exhibits an almost supernatural prescience and ability to stay two steps ahead of New York's finest.) Playing the omnipotent avenger, Spacey is convinced that his life's work -- even God's work, as he calls it -- will yield so memorable a series of seven murders that he (and his captors) will be famous for decades. His first five murders are intensely disturbing in the morbid and self-righteous complexity and commitment required for their completion -- and he unwaveringly promises an encore! Does he deliver? Don't see Seven on a full stomach -- but see it! Seven delivers a tour-de-force script and performances all around. I own it on DVD. 5 stars.
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