Stormchasers: IMAX (1995)
Stormchasers is an educational documentary on hurricanes, monsoons, and tornadoes that happens to be exciting (esp. if you catch it on a three-story IMAX screen). If you are watching it on a TV or computer screen instead, remember what you are trading away to watch an almost larger-than-life IMAX movie in the comfort of your living room. Do not watch Stormchasers expecting a sensationalistic, adrenaline-juiced joy ride of a tornado-chasing TV crew that never gets deeper than "That was AWESOME, dudes!" Stormchasers is an eye-candy documentary about weather scientists doing weather science, whose job is to fly into hurricanes and use instrumentation and data to discover new storm behaviors. After all, it has been meteorologists, not joyriders, who have significantly improved hurricane and tornado predictions and saved thousands of lives over the past 20 years -- and are on track to save many thousands more lives in the next 20 years. 4.5 stars.
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