Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Illusionist (2006)

I finally saw The Illusionist and enjoyed it very much. The art direction is excellent; the historicity looks quite good. (I'd say with a smirk that they used up all the sepia-tone film stock on the market at the time, but of course digital sepia-tone filters are as infinite as electrons and the Cloud.) Edward Norton is extremely measured and atmospheric as his character. As an illusionist, he conjures visions that are exceptional for turn-of-the-century Vienna; as a dramatist, his plan to escape prison and death, and get the girl, is not only a success, but it delights Paul Giamatti as his former adversary's surrogate. The story is low-key because the digital effects are recreating smoke-and-mirrors after all, and the conflict is less outright physical and more mind-against-mind, with medium to low probability of actually being shot or stabbed. Shot on location and what a wardrobe! Enjoy! 4.5 stars. (8-22-2017)


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