Sunday, April 09, 2006

Play It Again Sam (1972)

I hadn't seen this Woody Allen movie in 20-25 years but it made me belly laugh again like no movie has in that time. The scenes and dialog are so classic and memorable, they stick in your mind almost as well as Casablanca (which plays an important theme in this movie). Allen plays the nebbish macho-wannabe who idolizes Bogart and agonizes over what cologne to wear (to which Bogart says, "Somewhere you got it mixed up, kid; it's the dame's job to smell good for you!"). Tony Roberts is a recurring hoot as the phone addict who ignores his wife, Diane Keaton. If you enjoy movies like Raising Arizona, or just love movies in general, this one displays an affection for cinema (esp. Casablanca) and a proclivity for punch lines that will keep you laughing time and again. Four stars.


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