Team America: World Police (2004)
Sorry, I'm not a South Park fan. I was not interested in seeing Team America: World Police from the previews -- and I was still not interested after seeing the whole gosh-darn thing! I saw it on a whim in June 2007 as one of the first Instant Viewing selections on Netflix. The marionette control looks very sloppy since the characters generally seem to be taking two steps forward and one step back -- they just waggle and swim through the air. (This gets hilarious when two characters engage in hand-to-hand "combat" -- they basically look like two twits thwapping and slapping in each other's general direction, or else playing pattycake.) The dialog is dull and the acting is, uh -- wooden! (Snirk.) Seriously, the only funny part is Kim Jong Il singing "I'm So Wonewy" (except he sounds like Cartman from South Park). Oh, and not so funny, the team opens by blasting the place to shreds in the process of saving the people -- sort of like using a hammer to crack an egg -- while they cheer themselves as Team America. Just rent Hot Shots! instead. 2 stars.
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