Thursday, October 19, 2017

Marc Maron: Too Real (2017)

I gave Marc Maron's Thinky Pain 3.5 stars and I have his series in my queue to watch. I give Too Real 4 stars because he is pretty good. True, he is low-key and a "whiner" -- but would you expect anything different from a guy who looks and talks like him? It's his thing; who are you to criticize? Ding him or not, he does fine by most of the people in his audience. He starts out with very mild references to the current president (whose own White House staff is thinking the same stuff, so shut up, teabaggers). He goes on with "I'm 53. So I don't know how much time I have left." I belly chuckled through most of the show, except his Rolling Stones story; it was well told, just not relevant to me. He is definitely gearing toward the 50+ age demographic. Enjoy! 4 stars. (10-19-2017)


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