Healing Yoga: For Aches and Pains (2002)
This Healing Yoga title is a good one. The hosts are extremely pleasant and unobtrusive; they demonstrate the positions very well in a peaceful oceanfront setting with a sitar soundtrack as background. As a yoga newbie, however, I have a hard time with two tendencies in this program: 1) stating a plethora of procedural steps followed by "all the while, breathing in such-and-such a manner" (which is like a cooking program that mentions the first thing you were supposed to do only after listing all the previous things) and 2) invoking a range of New Age effects (whether actual, eventual, or imaginary) such as drawing energy up or pushing it down through your feet, feeling a ball of light in your abdomen, freeing up the tightness in this or that part of your body etc. (It may be that practicing the regimen for some time will eventually produce or inculcate that effect but all I know is that I have no idea what they're talking about at the time. If you mean imagination, say imagination. Or if you mean pain relief, how can you speak of it as actual or factual for everyone?) These adapted yoga moves seem appropriate and helpful to anyone who has pain or a limited range of motion. 3 stars.
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