Saturday, June 02, 2018

Revenge for Jolly! (2012)

Revenge for Jolly! promises slightly more than it appears capable of delivering, but I am not sorry I watched it. It is less of a Shaun of the Dead treatment of a revenge-snuff film than I would give 4 stars for, so with the drug-addled haze under which these two cousins operate heavy machinery and firearms, 3 stars should cover it. There is nothing Tarantinoesque about the action or dialog in this film! Imagine the two malcontents from Fargo but with even dimmer wits and lower stations in life. Revenge for Jolly! sympathetically portrays the simplicity of this pair's aspirations in life, such as they are, and the cameos of Elijah, Kristin, and Ryan are brief and mildly entertaining. However, it is still nothing more than a low-budget independent film produced adequately within those boundaries (as opposed to an ingenious or stellar independent film that inventively transcends those boundaries). A truer heart never loved a mini-pin named Jolly! 3 stars. (6-2-2018)


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